Each Montessori Material is set up on an open shelve and is sorted within an area of study. This means that each material has its set place within the classroom. All of the furniture inside the classroom is of the appropriate height for the children and the material is therefore always accessible to the children at all times. There is only one of each material in the classroom therefore the children learn many social aspects such as sharing, learning to wait ones turn, how to resolve a conflict etc. Each child chooses a material from the shelf, works independently with it until his interest has been satisfied. The role of the Montessori teacher is to then observe, guide and help the child. The Montessori teacher allows the children to work independently and only intervene if necessary.
Practical Life
Im Bereich "Übungen des täglichen Lebens" wird das Kind in seiner Motorik, vor allem aber in seiner Selbständigkeit gefördert.
All the child’s senses are stimulated through the "Sensorial Material", the material helps to promote the child’s sensorial perception.
The child is introduced to the magical world of numbers and quantities through the “Mathematic Material” and the child’s ability to think mathematically is encouraged.
In the "language area" the vocabulary of the child is expanded and promoted. The child’s language comprehension grows continuously and he is later offered an introduction into reading and writing.
Cosmic Education
In the "Cosmic Education" the topics to the world and the environment of the child are brought to life. It can thus recognize and begin to better understand easy and complex connections.