- Aargauer Zeitung: Wie der Prinz Aargauer Montessori-Häusern hilft
"Die königliche Wahl einer Schule, die nach den Grundsätzen der italienischen Medizinerin und Reformpädagogin Maria Montessori (1870–1952) unterrichtet"
- Tages Anzeiger: In der Schule der Genies
"Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos und Mark Zuckerberg waren in der Montessori-Schule. Müssen wir unsere Kinder auch hinschicken?"
- Focus: So unterrichtet die Montessori-Schule
"Nach der vierten Klasse wechseln 60 bis 70 Prozent der Starnberger Montessori-Schüler auf das staatliche Gymnasium."
- Focus: Das Ende des Rohrstocks
"Kern der Lehre: die natürliche Freude der Kinder am Lernen zu fördern, schwierige Zusammenhänge kindgerecht zu gestalten und sinnlich „begreifbar“ zu machen."
- Science Journal: Evaluating Montessori Education
"Montessori education provides better outcomes than traditional methods, according to study published in the journal Science."
- Wall Street Journal: The Montessori Mafia
"Ironically, the Montessori educational approach might be the surest route to joining the creative elite, which are so overrepresented by the school’s alumni that one might suspect a Montessori Mafia."
- Forbes: Is Montessori the Origin of Google and Amazon?
"The approach is over 100 years old but the ideas are timeless. The world is finally catching up with Maria Montessori’s insights"
- Harvard Business Review: Montessori Build Innovators
"The world is a really interesting place, and one that should be explored. Can there be any better foundation for an innovator in training?"
- Harvard Business Review: How Do Innovators Think?
"The most innovative entrepreneurs were very lucky to have been raised in an atmosphere where inquisitiveness was encouraged… A number of the innovative entrepreneurs also went to Montessori schools, where they learned to follow their curiosity."
- Will Wright, Montessori Grad and Creator of SimCity & Spore
"[Kids] can become interested in pretty complex theories, like Pythagorean theory, say, by playing with blocks. It’s all about learning on your terms, rather than having a teacher explain stuff to you. And when kids discover these things on their own, what they learn sticks with them so much more."